Throughout this semester, we wrote weekly reading logs on documents that were relevant to what we were learning in class.
On this page, I’ve included the reading logs that were most significant to me. You’ll find my final reading log on “Learning To Do History”. The last reading log was important to me because I had finally understood the different aspects of Pre-Confederation Canada.
reading assignment one is also very significant to me because this was the first article we read for the weekly reading responses and it opened my eyes to Canadian history and also helped me to understand what it was during Pre-Confederation Canada. Throughout school, I had always learned about American history and it was nice to have a different taste of history, even with it being out of my comfort zone initially.
Reading log #5 was also very important because I found it genuinely interesting. Some of the readings we had didn’t fit into my historical interests, however, this one (along with others), really opened more doors for this subject and helped me to fully understand that there is no line between American and Canadian history, what has happened once can happen again, anywhere.
Reading log 3 was memorable for me because it was the first article that opened my eyes to how people from Pre-Confederation Canada lived, with different examples of living conditions and what they had to do in order to survive. It was an interesting change to read an article that showed the reader what life was like first hand.